Martha's Vineyard Fall 2019
I am at the end of 1 1/2 weeks on Martha's Vineyard. House guests, great food, a three day Nor'easter, some work on the place and a few efforts at making pictures, as I have been on my own for the past four days. Back to the mainland tomorrow.
If you remember, last spring while here, I worked at Philbin Beach, where a stream was running down into the ocean, especially after it rained.
That stream this time, six months later, was not running down to the sea, but I found another one today, closer towards the clay cliffs:
It was wild. The wind was coming from on shore so it whipped the water right off the top of the breaking waves.
There is a walkway to the beach from the parking lot at Philbin that is irresistible:
This isn't a camera review, but I did want to mention that I have been photographing with the Sony A7r mk IV this time here on the island and I am finding it really wonderful to work with. This is a far more mature and refined tool than the two previous versions. Mostly I am using the 24-105mm f4 lens.
My friend Gail Hill was down from Toronto. Gail's a wonderful artist:
And, you know, she's right.
I will miss the Vineyard until I return in the spring.