New Book photographs by Neal Rantoul. with an essay by Alissa Greenberg 1 of 6 "Paradise" the book is now printed and is available. These are photographs from the town of Paradise, CA that was devastated by the Camp Fire in November 2018. With an essay by Alissa Greenberg, a journalist who covered the town shortly after the fires. 50 pages, 15 x 13 inches, hardbound $75 plus shipping. A donation of $10 for each sale will go to "Paradise Rebuild", a non-profit organization created to help the residents of Paradise rebuild their town Go to: for more information or to order books 09.20
Trees, Sand & Snow Photographs by Neal Rantoul 1 of 5 2nd edition now available This monograph by Neal Rantoul looks at two locations on Martha's Vineyard and a skate park in Cambridge, MA, with essays reflecting on the common thread of how time affects us all. Using the author's seventieth birthday as its common theme the work combines a series of short essays with new photographs of trees dropping into the sea due to erosion, a beach laid bare due to an extreme tide and a public skate park being covered over in a snowstorm in Cambridge, MA. 8 1/2 x 7 inches, 61 pages. $36 plus shipping. Available directly from the author:
American Series Photographs by Neal Rantoul 1 of 7 American Series was published in 2006 and surveys nine series works in black and white made from 1981 to 2005. With an introduction by Jeffrey Hoone from Light Work in Syracuse and Joe Deal, photographer and former Provost at the RI School of Design, the book is beautifully offset printed in duotone and has three fold outs as well. If considering buying books by Neal Rantoul this is the first one to get as it looks at a long spread of years when the author was working ony in black and white.
Portland Photographs by Neal Rantoul 1 of 3 Portland is now available. This is the 4th book that higlights the series works in black and white from the 80's and 90's. Portland publishes a series of black and white photographs of Portland, Maine taken in 1997. Extensively exhibited and published elsewhere, the photographs form a narrative that is both beautiful and illuminating. This series of small books publishes one series work per book. With a brief introduction by the author. You can get the book by contacting: Each book is signed and numbered, as these are printed in limited editions. They are $25 each, plus shipping.
Yountville, CA Photographs by Neal Rantoul 1 of 3 The book on the series Yountville is now out and available. This is the third book in the 12 book series planned for works of mine in black and white from the 80's and 90's. Yountville represents another shift in that it is from a small town in the Napa Valley of California that is lush and overgrown. The 7 x 7 inch book is for sale by ordering directly: Each book is signed and numbered and is for sale for $25 plus shipping. Yountville is on the website:
Hershey Photographs by Neal Rantoul 1 of 3 The small book Hershey is now out and available for purchase. This is the second in the twelve books planned in the Series Books. Each is $25 (plus shipping) and they are each signed and numbered. Hershey is available directly from the author: It also may be ordered by contacting me:
OAKESDALE, WA Photographs by Neal Rantoul 1 of 3 A new book, one of twelve that are planned to highlight Rantoul's vintage Series Works, made in the 1980's and 90's. These small and modest 7 inch square books feature one series in each book, with an essay by the author. Editioned, signed and numbered by the artist. From the author's introduction to the Oakedale book: As I write this now, on the twentieth anniversary of when these pictures were made, I find myself thinking back to the reasons I was walking around a rural cemetery outside a very small town in the wheat field region called the Palouse in the southeastern corner of the State of Washington on a very hot July afternoon. This was not the first series I had made by this time and, in fact, I was not in the Palouse to make series work at all but to photograph the extensive wheat fields with an 8 x 10 inch view camera. I made the Oakesdale Cemetery pictures in 1997 when I was young enough not to be cynical but old enough not to be naive. Proving that excellent design and printing need not be expensive, these books are an elegant way to share in Rantoul's seminal imagery. The first 100 in the edition are $25 each, with shipping and handling added. You may order from the author:
Essays on Photography by Neal Rantoul With this book, Neal Rantoul has published important and relevant posts from his blog. Edited, rewritten and illustrated with photographs, Essays is a necessary read for anyone thinking of pursuing a career in art. Rantoul looks at his own career and those of others and shares his insights and experiences with openness, humor and considerable wit. With an introduction by the author Christopher Benfey, Essays is a must-read for anyone serious about a life in art. 64 pages. The book sells for $30 and is available for sale through the author's email:
Monsters Photographs by Neal Rantoul 1 of 5 The catalog of the photographs by Neal Rantoul called Monsters shown at 555 Gallery in Boston from September 10 through October 17, 2015 and at the Firtchburg Art Musem in the fall of 2016. Thirty-six pages in full color with an introduction by Alison Nordstrom and an artist statement. Monsters is photographs of mannequins, masks and human wig forms made in 2014. The catalog is available and sells for $25 plus shipping and may be ordered at:
Above Aerial Photographs of Martha's Vineyard by Neal Rantoul 1 of 5 A book of aerial photographs of the island of Martha's Vineyard. Currently out of print This exceptional book looks at the unique topography of the island from a view above. With over 40 pages of exquisite color photographs, and an introduction by Patrick Philips, the editor and publisher of the magazine MV Arts and Ideas, this new book shows us an island very different than the one we see coming in on the ferry or as we relax on the beach. The photographs were taken in the spring and fall of 2012. 15 x 11.5 inches in full color. This limitied edition book is available from the author. Please contact Neal Rantoul at: to order. $100 plus shipping. Ordered books take about two weeks to arrive.
Wheat: An American Series Photographs by Neal Rantoul 1 of 4 Currently out of print In this beautiful book Rantoul has chosen some of the best photographs made over a 15 year period from the area of Washington State called “ The Palouse”. Using photographs made in the air and on the ground, the book has photographs made in the growing season in early summer and those made at harvest in early September.
Rock Sand Water: An American Series Aerial photographs by Neal Rantoul 1 of 5 Currently out of print “Rock Sand Water” is an ambitious project to bring together three bodies of aerial work into one book. Showing off much of Rantoul’s aerial work, the book looks at distinct bodies of work from Utah, Southern California and the coastal islands of Massachusetts. Spanning the years 2010-2012, the photographs in the book show a landscape incredibly beautiful but seldom free from the effect of mankind. Andrea Greitzer, the book's designer, has sequenced the work with restraint and a fine sense of the photographs' overall purpose and intent. The beautifully printed full color photographs in the book show off Rantoul's concerns with abstraction and mnimalism.
Collections Photographs by Neal Rantoul 1 of 4 Currently out of print “Collections” is Rantoul’s most controversial book and is assembled from three distinct bodies of work. The photographs come from the Natural History Museum in Reggio Emilia, Italy, the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia and numerous Cabela’s stores in the American Midwest. By looking at human and animal specimens and forensic study models, Rantoul asks us to reflect on our own condition. The book is not without humor, however, but maintains a respectful attitude to those no longer alive.
A Year Photographs by Neal Rantoul 1 of 4 Currently out of print This large and ambitious monograph shows photographs made while Rantoul was on a one-year sabbatical from his teaching position at Northeastern University. Comparing locally made photographs from New England with imagery made on extended trips to Italy, Austin, Texas, Moab, Utah and Pullman, Washington the book provides a unique insight as to how the artist works, sees and organizes his pictures into a tangible whole.
Cabela’s: An American Series Photographs by Neal Rantoul 1 of 4 Currently out of print The book takes a look at an American merchandising phenomenon called Cabela’s. Over a two-year period, Rantoul photographed in 18 of the 30 stores of the sports outfitting chain sprinkled throughout the Midwest. Working with the generous permission of the company, Rantoul concentrated on the extensive taxidermy, dioramas and matte paintings in each of the stores. The book examines society's preoccupation with all things preserved and frozen in time. These fascinating and unusual pictures broaden one’s understanding of the irony of preserving what we kill for sport. Rantoul's sensitive handling of the issues inherent in photographing these scenes are both funny and sad. 15 x 11.5 inches in full color, 36 pages.