Busy times.
A show:

Note: Change in date: due to getting sick with Covid the new date for the gallery talk is iec 10 at 2:30 pm
And a weekend of Open Studio:

The show is photographs I made while in The Palouse in August and therefore never shown and the Open Studio is, well, everything else! Hope to see you at both.Too far to make the drive? Well, I've got a friend coming up from City Island, NY. Can you beat that?
As usual, questions can come right to me: nrantoul@comcast.net
Yes, of course, work will be for sale.
My "Retirement Show" opens this coming Tuesday, January 10 from 4:30-6:30 at the Acton Senior Center. Landscape photographs from the years since I retired in 2012.

Too long since we've met face to face. I hope to see you then! Notice in the January "What Will You Remember": https://www.whatwillyouremember.com/best-photo-picks-january-2023-boston-and-new-england/
Last December, two friends and I had a show in Harvard, MA we called the Three Amigos show. Not many came from Boston as it was far away and it was right before Christmas. Well now's your chance, as it is coming to NESOP (New England School of Photography) in Kenmore Square in April.
The show runs from April 7-May 23 and includes a few pieces of mine from Reggio Emelia in Italy:

and two aerial sand dune pictures from the Imperial Sand Dunes in Southern California:

The other two in the show are Fred Sway, who is a longtime friend and wonderful photographer and also happens to be the former director of NESOP. Fred is showing a new series of color pictures of marquees. The other is John Rizzo, a former graduate of NESOP and a very successful lifestyle photographer. John is showing color street photographs from Italy, where he lives about half the year.
The reception for the exhibition is Saturday, April 12 from 3:3-5:30 pm. We hope to see you at the show.
BTW: NESOP is on the second floor at 537 Commonwealth Avenue in Boston. For additional information please call: 617-437-1868.
Mark your calendars.
I've mentioned in some past posts about two shows coming up of my work this April and here I'll post details.
First up is a show of Wheat pictures at the Danforth Museum in Framingham, MA from April 6- May 26.

The show looks at predominently recent trips to the Palouse area in Washington and combines pictures made on the ground with aerial photographs. I am particularly excited about this show as one, it is the first time I've had work shown at the Danforth and two, it is the first time I've had a show in the area dedicated to just the wheat pictures. As the Danforth can only accomodate so many at their openings they restrict receptions to members only. If you want to come Saturday April 6, shoot me an email and I will place you on my list. Neal's Email
The second show is a two man at Panopticon Gallery in Boston, along with Brian Kaplan. Brian is showing work from Cape Cod called "I am not on Your Vacation". This will make a great combination as the work I am showing is aerial photographs from the islands of Massachusetts.

The show runs from April 3- May 13 with an opening reception Wednesday, April 3, from 5:30-7:30pm. Panopticon is the gallery that represents my work in the New England area.
I hope to see you at one or both of these New England spring time shows.