A new book, one of twelve that are planned to highlight Rantoul's vintage Series Works, made in the 1980's and 90's. These small and modest 7 inch square books feature one series in each book, with an essay by the author. Editioned, signed and numbered by the artist.
From the author's introduction to the Oakedale book:
As I write this now, on the twentieth anniversary of when these pictures were made, I find myself thinking back to the reasons I was walking around a rural cemetery outside a very small town in the wheat field region called the Palouse in the southeastern corner of the State of Washington on a very hot July afternoon. This was not the first series I had made by this time and, in fact, I was not in the Palouse to make series work at all but to photograph the extensive wheat fields with an 8 x 10 inch view camera. I made the Oakesdale Cemetery pictures in 1997 when I was young enough not to be cynical but old enough not to be naive.
Proving that excellent design and printing need not be expensive, these books are an elegant way to share in Rantoul's seminal imagery. The first 100 in the edition are $25 each, with shipping and handling added. You may order from the author: nrantoul@comcast.net